Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I've discovered a really, really, truly disturbing thing. When I'm so angry that I'm about to lose my temper, listening to the same christmas songs that we decorate our tree to every year calms me down. Its magic. So its not really disturbing, but I thought it was weird that I even tried it in July. I figured I would tell all of you just in case any of you wanted to try the Statler Brothers for anger management. They are surprisingly effective :)

Monday, July 20, 2009


just so everyone knows my guts have knots in them so tight not even a scout could get them un-done. I just flat hurt. I know its not somethin I ate cuz I haven't ate today but whatever it is I sure wish it would go away already. ANYWAY!!! I transfered to the bakery a few weeks ago to get adjusted to sleeping at night and it sure got me sleeping. My normal shift is from 5 am to 2 pm. I heat the prefried donuts and decorate them. Its like every little kids dream job... All I do is play with frosting all day. Its great :) Ok... My guts hurt like... Nevermind... The ladies I work with are so dramatic that I look like an incredibly low key, laid back, unstrung person. And that is saying something. I seriously do not have any idea how they can live with so much drama constantly. Something as small as a hangnail requires major surgery and being ten minutes behind in their work is the equivalent to being ten weeks behind. Its REDONKULOUS!!! O well. I suppose I ought to get to bed. GOOD NIGHT!!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

